Monday, June 18, 2007

From DListed: "Lindsay Lohan has cancelled her big 21st Birthday bash which was set for July 2nd at Pure in Las Vegas. Homegirl is still at Promises rehab after checking herself in on May 28th. She's due to be popped out in the next two weeks.

Her spokeswhore said, "The party was canceled officially over two weeks ago. We were confused why PURE was even still promoting it. But Lindsay will not be having the birthday party at PURE and is focusing on her recovery 100 percent.”

A source at Pure told UsWeekly that they agreed to let her out even though she was paid for it and signed a contract."

Oh boo hoo. She can't have her first drink on her 21st bday. Too bad. She'll have to go back to chugging out of the bottle.

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